APPs based competence development for migrants entrepreneurship The aim of ABCD4ME is to increase the economic integration of migrants by supporting the development of skilled and qualified digital entrepreneurs. The project wants to support VET teachers and trainers with innovative…

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Sustainable Apprentices

Training the workforce of the future to apply the SDGs in SMEs through Work-Based Learning in Apprenticeship programmes The 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) set by the UN Agenda 2030 give direction on how important topics should be improving still…

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Enhancing collective creativity for social innovation for adult learners through art-based virtual gamification. The COVID-19 crisis has evidenced the key role of the digital and virtual education and has confirmed how important is to improve the capacity of our societies…

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SME Green Skills HUB

Supporting the implementation of the SDGs in SMEs through VET The international community has a crucial challenge to meet by following the UN’s 2030 Agenda and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) to transform the way we live and do…

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Sagittis congue augue egestas volutpat egestas magna suscipit egestas magna ipsum vitae purus efficitur Aliqum mullam blandit tempor sapien gravida donec ipsum, at porta justo. Velna vitae auctor congue magna nihil impedit ligula risus. Mauris donec ociis et magnis sapien…

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EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for Vocational Education and Training Coordination: Centro Servizi Formazione (Italy) Duration: September 2017 – August 2020 Website:     There is strong evidence that work-based learning helps to equip young people with the skills that…

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Sagittis congue augue egestas volutpat egestas magna suscipit egestas magna ipsum vitae purus efficitur Aliqum mullam blandit tempor sapien gravida donec ipsum, at porta justo. Velna vitae auctor congue magna nihil impedit ligula risus. Mauris donec ociis et magnis sapien…

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