Training the workforce of the future to apply the SDGs in SMEs through Work-Based Learning in Apprenticeship programmes
Target users
VET educators and in-company trainers
Target beneficiaries
VET students and SMEs

With less than a decade to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), set by the UN Agenda 2030, it is imperative to train the workforce of the future in the principles of sustainable economy, environmental protection, and inclusion to shape the working and business culture of the next generation. The private sector is an essential part of sustainable development and SMEs, which represent 99.8% of business in Europe and employ 97,74% of the workforce (Statista, 2018), are a key part of the sustainable challenge.
The Agenda 2030 set by the UN is a mainstream inspiration and aspiration for policy makers, the industry sector, and education institutions worldwide. Sustainable development is also a priority for the EU and its commitment to the SDGs is strong as shown by the Commission’s ‘Whole-of-Government approach’, both in economic and environmental sustainability (European Green Deal, 2019), and in the ambition of creating a Europe that is fairer, more inclusive, better educated and leaves no one behind (European Pillar of Social Rights, 2020). To meet the SDGs, the UN emphasises the KEY ROLE of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) through cross-cutting competencies and a holistic approach. SDG targets 4.7 and 5.5 call for all LEARNERS to have acquired the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to PROMOTE SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT in both their personal and professional lives by 2030.
However, despite public administration’s efforts to promote the SDGs, in Europe, the vast majority of the population is unaware of their concept, let alone their application. This CONSORTIUM has a privileged position in terms of its connection and presence within the most powerful industrial sector and educational decision-making institutions, as well as with regional and national associations of SMEs and VET providers in Spain, Italy, Portugal, Turkey and Ireland.

Aims of the project
Develop a new European ECVET Curriculum to support the implementation of SDGs in SMEs through Apprenticeship programmes
Train the workforce of the future with Green Skills and the SDGs to support the adaptation of SMEs to the current sustainable challenges and new economic demands
Raise awareness on the opportunities derived from the implementation of the SDGs in SMEs’ business strategies
Generate and develop SDGs project-based learning approaches adapted to different working sectors through Workbased Learning
Understand in practice the individual capacity of workers to promote sustainable improvements in society through their working environments.
Project partners
Innoquality Systems is project partner responsible for content elaboration and internal evaluator of this project. Furthermore the following partners are part of the consortium:
- Instituto para el fomento del desarrollo y la formación (Infodef)
- Asociación de la industria Navarra (AIN)
- Mindshift Talent Advisory
- Government of Istanbul – Istanbul Valiligi (GOI)
- Centro Servizi Formazione (CSF)