EU-Programme: Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships for School Education
Coordination: ITG CONSEIL
Duration: 01-09-2019 – 31-08-2022
In 2017, still 61 million adults aged 25 to 64 had stopped their formal education before completing upper secondary education. Through the Upskilling Pathways Recommendation, Member States agreed to adopt a strategic approach to provide joined-up learning opportunities to the EU’s 61 million low-skilled adults, built on easily accessible pathways and comprising three steps, starting with skills assessment to identify existing skills and upskilling needs.
A skills audit is a process aimed at identifying and analysing the knowledge, skills and competences of an individual, including his or her aptitudes and motivations in order to define a career project and /or plan a professional reorientation or training project; the aim of a skills audit is to help the individual analyse his/her career background, to self-assess his/her position in the labour environment and to plan a career pathway, or in some cases to prepare for the validation of non-formal or informal learning outcomes. Nevertheless, as previous researches and projects evidence, the relationship between validation and skills audits is not always clear to stakeholders and the level of integration between validation and skills audits varies, depending on the type of audit.
The aim of ASSESS PLUS is to support Skills Audits in adult education through innovative digital tools and products to make available skills identification and screening, including the validation of skills acquired through informal and non-formal learning, and facilitate the progress of low-skilled and disadvantaged adults towards higher qualifications.
This project will have as target users’: Counsellors, guidance personnel, assessors and practitioners involved with validation who are in contact with vulnerable collectives such as disadvantaged adults.
The envisage long term impact of the project will be a strengthening of the Upskilling Pathways and the Adult Education systems in Europe.