
2019 - 2022

Lead Partner

Workinscop SC'OPARA


Erasmus+ KA2 Project Adult Education

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The aim of RENOuVAL project is to design new training pathways in craft sectors based on intergenerational learning

The project aims to put in contact craft professionals with low-qualified young adults in order to offer, to both of them, new opportunities for the up-skilling and validation of competencies, supported by accessible and easy to use digital tools, including gamebased learning apps and multimedia tools, like video tutorials and video case studie. The project wapply European frameworks like EQF, ECVET, EQAVET, Europass and EPALE, to promote and boost transparency and recognition of competences and qualifications.

INQS is working with 5 partners based in France, Spain, Portugal and Greece to design new training pathways in craft sectors based on intergenerational learning, putting in contact craft professionals with low-qualified young adults in order to offer, to both of them, new opportunities for the up-skilling and validation of competencies, supported by accessible and easy to use digital tools, including game-based learning apps and multimedia tools, like video tutorials and video case studies