The Assess Plus Project began in September 2019 with an aim of supporting Skills Audits in adult education through innovative digital tools and products to make available skills identification and screening, including the validation of skills acquired through informal and non-formal learning, and facilitate the progress of low-skilled and
disadvantaged adults towards higher qualifications.

To do so, seven European adult education providers, experts in skills assessment and validation and in digital solutions applied to training and employment from six countries, France, Spain, Austria,
Ireland, Bulgaria and Greece, worked together to co-create a set of innovative tools and digital solutions, all of which are now fully available, including:
- A European Framework of Competences in Skills Audits for Adult Education
- An ASSESS PLUS Virtual CAMPUS, that includes
- An Online Instructional Guide on Digital Competencies for Virtual Learning;
- A set of structured Training Modules
- A VET Open Online Courses (VOOC)
- A Mobile Assessment App for Skills Audits
- A set of guidelines to promote transparency and recognition of skills and qualifications through Skills Audits in Adult Education
Further to this, the project has piloted all of the above with Counsellors, guidance personnel, assessors and practitioners involved with validation who have in turn put these into practice with Disadvantaged adults looking to enter the workplace or education.
Having been fully piloted and evaluated, the project has had a direct positive impact on:
- Partners and organizations who were involved in the project activities have improved their Skills Audit methods and tools
- The low qualified and disadvantaged adults who now have access to better up-skilling pathways to improve their skills, competencies and qualifications, opening new opportunities for training, job and mobility
- The Adult Education sector will can now count on new instruments to improve the provision of Skills Audits, adapted to different assessment contexts and to the needs of disadvantaged adults.
You can learn more about the project and its results at