Hosted by DIMITRA Education and Consulting in July 2019. The meeting was aimed at presenting the final version of the Mobile Instructional Learning App (IO3) and the Multilingual eLearning Platform (IO4), as well as at agreeing a methodology to follow up and assess the pilot phase of the project.
Primarily, partners expectations around the project meeting related to completing O2 and deciding the final steps for implementing the mobile app and online learning platform. Partners expectations appear to have been met during the meeting. It was noted however that there had been some delays in project development to this point and that these delays would need to be addressed and overcome.
Partners were very positive about the organization of the meeting – it was identified that the guidelines given re travel and accommodation were good and that the project meeting agenda/ structure was clear & effective. The majority of partners felt the agenda that sufficient time and resources had been allocated to the items in the project meeting agenda and that the agenda addressed all the most important elements with one partner unsure (the only non-positive feedback from participants were in this section, with participants identifying they were “unsure” about these).
The majority of partners were satisfied that the meeting accomplished its objectives (with one partner unsure) and all partners felt there was a cooperative atmosphere in the meeting and that the meeting provided enough time and opportunities to discuss and exchange ideas. Partners were generally satisfied with the next set of project activities (with one participant unsure) and all partners were positive on the division of tasks for the next steps and that they had enough information to proceed