The objective of the Follow App project is to set-up and test a graduate tracking method supported by digital tools designed to track employment and career progression of apprentices in DUAL VET programmes, addressed to VET teachers, counsellors, in-company trainers and learners, improving the responsiveness of VET to the changing demands in the labour market and strengthening the Quality Assurance in VET.
As work is ongoing on the project, INQS has recently been investigating European resources focused on the area of graduate tracking in order to better understand the area and the range of available resources and research in this space.
One such resource is the European Commissions “Graduate tracking: a ‘how to do it well’ guide”” developed in 2020. This set of guidelines aims to support country officials to develop or strengthen their measures for tracking their graduates. It includes effective practice in conducting graduate surveys and using administrative data. The guide was commissioned by the European Commission and produced by ICF Consulting Services Ltd.
It is a highly comprehensive and practical set of guidelines which not only outlines best practice for graduate tracking, but also provides detailed information on the background and context of graduate tracking, the research used to develop the guide and the “”business case”” for graduate tracking among other details.
This report can be accessed online at
For more on the Follow App project, please see the Facebook page at