IDEAL Project Video Tutorial

The IDEAL Project ( will develop a hands-on approach with examples and tools for language teachers on how to establish digital competence in language teaching in their daily practice.

As part of the third IDEAL project output – Open educational resources with good innovative practices – the project partnership is developing guidelines on a range of digital tools which are focused on supporting digital competences for language learning

To this end, INQS has developed a video tutorial on the use of Google Meet for supporting live language learning. You can view this on the INQS youtube channel’s IDEAL Project Video Tutorial Playlist

The use of presentations or slide decks is an often crucial support to complement live language teaching or live classes, but it is important not to rely on a presentation all the time or as a solution to language teaching. Presentations should accompany good teaching practice and “just presenting” is not a good means of language teaching. Research by Mayer (2001) has indicated that a lack of imagery and an over-reliance on bullet-point text in presentation is less effective than the use of imagery and text together.

If you are using PowerPoint already, google slides can be a great option as it can import PowerPoint presentations and make these into google slides quickly and easily, so you can take advantage of all of the google slides features of availability, accessibility, etc. Please note however, that the import process is not always perfect – especially if your presentations have a lot of media, animations, etc. For presenting, you should bear in mind also that you will need an internet connection to properly present using Google Slides (although you can always download your Google Slides presentation as a PowerPoint presentation).