Introducing HOTSAPP Apps to promote Higher Order Thinking Skills in VET

Soft skills are also uniquely human. In a workplace and job market changing at high speed because of technological advancement, they are the type of skills that cannot, thus far, be replicated by artificial intelligence (AI). This will only increase their importance in the future

Higher-order thinking, or “HOT” for short, takes thinking higher than restating the facts. HOT requires that we do something with the facts. Creativity is defined as the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities that may be useful in solving problems, communicating with others, and entertaining ourselves and others.

Soft skills are also uniquely human. In a workplace and job market changing at high speed because of technological advancement, they are the type of skills that cannot, thus far, be replicated by artificial intelligence (AI). This will only increase their importance in the future

Higher-order thinking, or “HOT” for short, takes thinking higher than restating the facts. HOT requires that we do something with the facts. Creativity is the tendency to generate or recognize ideas, alternatives, or possibilities useful in solving problems, communicating, and entertaining ourselves and others.

Innoquality Systems is coordinating the HOTSAPP project 2022-1-IE01-KA210-VET-000081572, which aims to develop an Apps Training Platform for developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills, a key Soft Skill. The Apps Training Platform will host 18 Learning Apps to train Higher-Order Thinking Skills in English, German and Danish. The HOTSAPP Training Platform was designed using Heuristic Pedagogy and Game-Based Learning for VET students. VET students can adapt to the HOTSAPP Learning Apps and easily apply the HOTSAPP methodologies in their vocation. The HOTSAPP project will improve the employability of VET students by providing them with a skill set that meets the reality of future employment markets.

Innoquality Systems is partnering with;


Meta4 Innovations is a research and development organisation that designs and develops innovative tools, methodologies, products and services in the field of digital learning innovation, entrepreneurship, sustainable development, social inclusion and technology-empowered solutions that pragmatically respond to current social and economic challenges and simultaneously foresee and intuitively drive the changes needed to achieve future goals of a sustainable learning community.

Meta4 is a reputed training provider in VET and Adult education that supports vulnerable and marginalised persons such as migrants, women and youth. Our beneficiaries include public authorities, private organisations, civil society, non-profit organisations, SMEs and marginalised communities.


International Business College is one of Denmark’s 5 largest VET providers. IBC educates students in retail, business, trade, service, administration, shipping, IT, etc. IBC has 3 locations, some 15.000 students per year and over 500 employees. SIMU Learning is a separate department away from IBC core services.

SIMU Learning develops educational and online business simulation systems, which it provides to all VET schools throughout the country. SIMU Learning’s systems are used by other VET providers wishing to give students a more practice-oriented education by enabling the students to connect theoretical studies with a realistic business domain. It is a hands-on environment that allows the students to understand and use curriculum theories in practice.

HOTSAPP is a 1-year project and will;

– design and create an APPS TRAINING PLATFORM for developing Higher-Order Thinking Skills. The ATP has a collection of 18 LEARNING APPs in English, German and Danish.

– Transnational meetings for planning the implementation, conducting an interim review and ensuring sustainability

– A conference to dissemination the project results

– Project management reports/documentation