IRISH App & Teach Online Multiplier Event

The App and Teach project is currently offering e-learning training tp facilitate the participation of SMEs in apprenticeship by equipping in-company VET trainers with the necessary skills and innovative ICT-based tools to support both the management and the training activities involved in apprenticeship programs..

We are delighted to announce a App and Teach Irish conference which will provide an overview on the project, it’s outputs as well as how these can be used to support and innovate apprenticeship and in-company education!

While this was initially planned as a face-to-face event to take place in Cork, due to the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic, in order to support participant safety, INQS has made the decision to offer this multiplier online. This online conference will be taking place on the 21st of August and participants can attend by accessing the zoom session using the below details, or the link in the below flyer:

Topic: IrishAppTeach

Time: Aug 28, 2020 11:00 AM


Meeting ID: 823 4127 4204