The Irish Crafts 3.0 Multiplier event was held online via Zoom on the 21st of August.

The conference provided an overview of the project and it’s outputs, along with a wide range of supporting information on the results and impact of the project.

The multiplier event also provided a breakdown of how the project partners may look to use the outputs to “bridge the gap” – Linking the Crafts 3.0 resources to real-world use in order to support the target audience of handicraft teachers and trainers in Ireland as well as potential external audiences like local and national crafts organisations and representative organisations.

The multiplier event – despite having to move from a planned face-to-face mode to an online mode – was extremely successful with attendees providing positive informal feedback, noting the potential use of the developed project outputs.
A recording of the Irish Multiplier event is also available on the INQS youtube channel