The Kick-off meeting for the Mifamily Project took place in Valladolid on the 2nd and 3rd of November. The project features and excellent partnership, consisting of
- NRCSE and Aspire Education from the UK
- ICAR from Romania
- La Bien Paga and INFODEF from Spain
- IRIV from France
The project aims to strengthen the integration of students from migrant backgrounds in to the host country’s school settings and to support children’s success in education by providing training, coaching and guidance to their parents. Using family learning methods and resources to overcome language and cultural barriers and foster active involvement of migrant parents in their children’s schooling.
The first project meeting focused on the different partners meeting and describing what they do in the areas of inclusion and education, as well as collectively discussing what actions the project will take to meet the intended outcomes. In evaluating the project meeting, it became clear that the project meeting was extremely successful. All respondents provided positive answers in relation to the meeting in a general sense, in relation to the organisation and running of the meeting and in relation to the division of tasks post-meeting. All of us at INQS are looking forward to what this project will produce over the next 2 years.