The Renouval Project began in September 2020 with an aim of The project had intended to design new training pathways in craft sectors based on intergenerational learning, putting in contact craft professionals with low-qualified young adults in order to offer, to both of them, new opportunities for the up-skilling and validation of competencies, supported by accessible and easy to use digital tools, including game-based learning apps and multimedia tools, like video tutorials and video case studies.
To do so, seven European adult education providers, experts in ctafts and intergenerational education and in digital solutions applied to training and employment from six countries, Spain, Greece, Ireland, Portugal and France, worked together to co-create a set of innovative tools and digital solutions, all of which are now fully available, including:
- A Training Curriculum on intergenerational learning and validation of skills in craft sectors in Skills Audits for Adult Education
- A Training Tool and Evaluation Method to test the project in a real life context
- A Digital Assessment Tool to monitor learners’s subject acquisition of skills in craft sectors, to make focused interventions where necessary and to track progress
- A set of instructional videos complimenting the training curriculum, the digital gamification tool and the digital assessment tool
Further to this, the project has piloted all of the above with crafts teachers and trainers, practitioners involved with crafts and crafts education and others who have in turn put these into practice with students involved in crafts and/ or intergenerational
Having been fully piloted and evaluated, the project has had a direct positive impact on:
- Partners and organizations who were involved in the project activities have improved their teaching methods and tools
- The students who now have access to new training approaches and tools to improve their skills, competencies and qualifications, opening new opportunities for training, job and mobility
- The crafts Education sector will can now count on new instruments to improve the provision of crafts education, adapted to the specific approaches with a view to intergenerational training, learning and support.
You can learn more about the project and its results at