The last two decades some traditional crafts have declined due to mass production and rising consumerism, leading to a devaluing of craft as a practice and reduced sharing of traditional crafting skills. Others have evolved, embracing the digital age, particularly in marketing their products and engaging with new clients, collaborators and audiences. Based on this, there is a clear need to: transfer the know-how of the older generations of craft practitioners to a new generation of craft learners, on one hand, and improve the use of digital technologies in the sector, what requires to improve the digital competences of both practitioners and learners, on the other. The aim of RENOUVAL project ( is to design new training pathways in craft sectors based on intergenerational learning, putting in contact craft professionals with low-qualified young adults.

Work in the project is ongoing in relation to IO3 – the digital assessment tool. To this end, we in INQS are currently working through a design thinking process to help guide development.

The IO3 App is identified as follows in the project proposal:
“…uses data collected from the digital gamification tool to create a digital infographic report.”
“…is logged in the target beneficiaries profile, so the target users (adult educators) have access to target beneficiaries digital infographic report”
“…will enable adult educators to monitor student’s subject acquisition of skills in craft sectors, acquisition motivation levels and the acquisition support from secondary target beneficiaries.”
“…aids adult educators to make focussed interventions where necessary and track progress of low-qualified young adults and adult craft professionals.”
Based on this, a useful process involves identifying some key questions and answers – e.g.
Some Questions for consideration:
– Who is the app aimed at?
– I-VET and C-VET teachers, trainers and managers
What might they need help with? When? And in what context?
– “The digital infographic report will enable adult educators to monitor student’s subject acquisition of skills in craft sectors, acquisition motivation levels and the acquisition support from secondary target beneficiaries. “
– “The digital infographic report aids adult educators to make focussed interventions where necessary and track progress of low-qualified young adults and adult craft professionals.”
How might the IO3 tool do this?
– There are a number of suggested steps and elements which would help the IO3 resource to facilitate the requirements outlined above.
– Gather data based on the results of IO2
– According to challenge, group, individual student response, etc
– Express this data to the teacher within the “back-end” of the web app
– Display the results of the data in a visual (infographic-based) manner
– Encourage competition and similar engagement through feedback and the express of gamification approaches (e.g. leaderboards, etc)
Where do they go to access this?
– The app is designed to follows on from O2, so should therefore build upon what the user does in this output and support what the user will do as part of the RENOUVAL teaching/ assessment process
For more information on the RENOUVAL project, please see and/ or