Touristic Final Multiplier Conference

The project touristic! aims to find new and innovative answers to all challenges by upskilling disabled people in Digital Skills applied to the design of innovative commercial services and products in Online Accessible Tourism, creating new skills pathways and labour opportunities for disabled people in Europe, supporting ICT-based teaching and assessment practices and promoting the transparency, validation and recognition of skills and competences acquired through OER.

On the 5th of July 2022, the Final Conference of the Touristic project was held at the titania hotel in the heart of Athens.

 The consortium shared the experiences and knowledge gained during the three-year implementation of the project while it had the opportunity for networking European dimensions as representatives of organizations from partner countries were also present and collaborated with stakeholders in Greece.

The products of the project, i.e. the European Competence Framework for Upskilling accessible tourism, the Touristic Campus, the Web App and the Guidelines for promoting transparency, were presented to the participants of the event.

 The Final Conference successfully disseminated the results of the project, collected feedback on the products created while expanding the opportunities for cooperation.

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