A hugely useful resource which has been of great help to us here in INQS as part of the Touristic project – but indeed, many of our projects – has been the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education is the national body responsible for leading and advising on the enhancement of teaching and learning in Irish higher education. The forum works with those who teach, learn and shape policy and practice to ensure a valued and informed teaching and learning culture in Irish higher education.
For the Touristic project, what has been of particular interest is the work the National Forum has done – at a national level – in the area of Universal Design and accessibility.
Some resources include:
- A set of posters on how to design for accessibility – which show how you can make your service accessible for different access needs.
- Accessibility in OER Design – An excellent presentation and workshop around accessibility and OERs. A technical guide in the form of a workshop is also presented around adding alt text, tags, layout, tables and much, much more.
What is also of huge benefit and interest to the Touristic project is an online course in universal design for learning, which is available on the National Forum’s Open Course Series
The Universal Design Course provides a fantastic overview of the area and a wide range of hugely useful resources for same. We are also delighted to announce that included in this course is a link to the Touristic project and its outputs as a resources within this national course!
For more information and resources, please check out https://touristic-upskilling.eu/