Follow App Project research and updates

The objective of the Follow App project is to set-up and test a graduate tracking method supported by digital tools designed to track employment and career progression of apprentices in DUAL VET programmes, addressed to VET teachers, counsellors, in-company trainers and learners, improving the responsiveness of VET to the changing demands in the labour market and strengthening the Quality Assurance in VET.

In the context of graduate tracking in Dual VET, a really useful case study we in INQS have been researching is The German Federal Institution of Vocational Education (DEQA-VET) recently published the English version of the ‘Quality Initiatives of Intermediary Institutions’ study. DEQA-VET examined 192 initiatives, ranging from award initiatives to training, guidance, networking initiatives, and job aids.

The study is the first systematised stocktaking and investigation of projects and measures to promote or reward in-company training quality in Germany. The study analyses the role of the German Chambers of Crafts and the Chambers of Industry and Commerce as intermediary institutions.

Among its key finding is that intermediate institutions undertake a large range of activities aimed at improving the quality of VET. In general, it highlights that the added value of EQAVET is that it provides reinsurance for the direction and design of the identified quality initiatives.

You can read the EQAVET case study at

For more on the Follow App project, please see the Facebook page at App.project