Project Updates!
As part of the TOURISTIC project, the partnership is currently developing training content for teachers, educators and volunteers working or supporting disabled people by helping them develop Digital Skills applied to the design of innovative commercial services and products in…
According to the PISA Study, the OECD Programme for International Student Assessment, immigrant students score below non-immigrant students in most PISA-participating countries, both before and after accounting for socio-economic status. So what is the fundamental difference between immigrant students and…
Numeracy and basic maths are key foundations for further learning and are a gateway to employment and social inclusion. Nevertheless, across the EU, 22 % of 15-year-olds underachieve in mathematics. Among pupils with low socioeconomic status, this is a worrying…
As work continues on the TOURISTIC project, we are delighted to share with you the feedback on the development of O1. An initial version of the finished O1 – EUROPEAN FRAMEWORK OF REFERENCE ON DIGITAL SKILLS FOR ONLINE ACCESSIBLE TOURISM….
The IDEAL Project ( will develop a hands-on approach with examples and tools for language teachers on how to establish digital competence in language teaching in their daily practice. As part of the third IDEAL project output – Open educational…
Following up on the previous post on the progression of the Assess Plus first intellectual output – the European Framework Of Competences In Skills Audits For Adult Education – we are deligthed to share the final iteration of this output….