Project Updates!
INQS is pleased to announce our project PIONEERS together with partners from Austria, France, Norway and Spain which addresses the need to support VET teachers and trainers with innovative tools and methods to stimulate the innovation and the acquisition of…
FEMENIN – Financial and Economic Literacy for Female Migrants for Entrepreneurship Inclusion is well underway and we have just completed our 2nd transnational meeting on April 1st in London in the UK, the 1st was in Valladolid in Spain in…
The ELLE project is currently offering e-learning training for teachers, educators and volunteers working or supporting education for migrant women, to help support empowerment and integration of this demographic in to the host country by providing training, coaching and guidance to…
The Mifamily project is currently offering e-learning training for teachers, educators and volunteers working or supporting education for migrant children, to help strengthen the integration of students from migrant backgrounds in to the host country’s school settings and to support children’s…