MiGreenDeal – Action planning for climate activism

The aim of the MiGreenDEAL project – which Innoquality Systems is a proud member of – is to raise awareness of the climate crisis awareness among young migrants through transformative learning. The project will implement innovative practices and digital solutions in adult education in order to prepare migrants and adult educators, community leaders and mediators to become real agents of change in environmental sustainability and fight against climate change.

The project features a fantastic consortium, with partners from The project features a fantastic consortium, with partners from La Bien Paga (Spain), META4 (Austria), DISRUPTIA (Spain), and IASIS (Greece).

Within the project, content development is ongoing across all partners. As INQS is developing content for WP3 – around action planning for climate activism, we thought that we would share some of the developed content with you.

Self-Reflection Tools

There are several valuable tools and approaches that can aid individuals in effective self-reflection. We have categorised some accordingly below:

Writing Prompts

– Regularly writing down thoughts, experiences, and feelings in a personal journal helps individuals make sense of their experiences and track personal growth over time.

Reflective Writing Prompts:
– Guiding questions or prompts, such as “What did I learn today?” or “What would I do differently next time?” stimulate deeper reflection.

Blogs or Online Journals:
– Creating a blog or online journal provides an outlet for sharing reflections and gaining feedback.

For more on the MiGreenDeal project, please see the Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100091384757766 and the MiGreendeal website at https://migreendeal.infodef.com.es