The project touristic! aims to find new and innovative answers to all challenges by upskilling disabled people in Digital Skills applied to the design of innovative commercial services and products in Online Accessible Tourism, creating new skills pathways and labour opportunities for disabled people in Europe, supporting ICT-based teaching and assessment practices and promoting the transparency, validation and recognition of skills and competences acquired through OER.

As part of the ongoing project, work is ongoing into the development of O3 – a “practical and innovative ICT-based tool designed to to evaluate competences on digital skills for accessible tourism.
To date, INQS has undertaken a wide range of research and examinations into the potential approaches to such an app with a view to supporting the user experience and to develop a resource which will be of use to the target audience, to project beneficiaries and to stakeholders.

The primary target audience for the app has been stated that the TA for the project is I-VET and C-VET teachers, trainers and managers..
As outlined in the proposal “The App will be designed and applied following the instructions and guidance described in Virtual CAMPUS (IO2). That is, the design and technical development of the App will be based on the training contents, practical activities and assessment methods developed within this Virtual CAMPUS.”
As outlined above, if we consider that Touristic is a project representing and supporting a teaching process, the app would be used as part of, or following the end of IO2 training
At the heart of Touristic app should be a simple user interface and set of processes. The intent of the app should not be to replicate existing applications and services, but to offer additional supports, benefits and tools to the Touristic training process (for Teachers and/ or Students)
Given the suggested function of the tool as outlined, it is felt that this process is best accessed via a browser given the amount of information to be presented, the requirement to access additional reading material as necessary, the requirement to access additional URLs, etc.
Intended to help support the practical application of what was learned in IO2 training (Effective Accessible Tourism, including, in particular, digital skills related to same).
That the app in question would serves as an assessment activity for the entire “Touristic Training process” – mainly:
- Undertaking the training (IO2) and generating the knowledge, skills & competence for facilitating/ supporting accesible tourism.
- Putting it into practice with appropriate scaffolding, reflection, resource-gathering, etc. (IO3)
- Utilising specific tasks practical to real-world best practice for (IO4)

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