Assess Plus Project Update

Within the Assess Plus project, further research into the findings of skills accreditation across Europe is ongoing. One such activity in this research phase is to identify best practices with regard to skills accreditation initiatives or activities – particularly from a POV of digital innovation and support.

One such National Activity for same, identified by INQS is an Erasmus+ project called Smart LMI (, which we can share a brief description of below: provides an initial set of screens which seeks to gather basic information from the user – consisting of their personal information, their contact information, their education, their training and qualifications and their work experience. Every step in this process is explained in depth to make the process as simple and straightforward as possible for users, with a minimal amount of information on-screen at any given point, as well as links to support information which can be used to support learners in providing this information (e.g. “What do I do if I don’t have an email address?”). At the end of this process, as a final step, the information gathered in the platform is used to generate a Europass CV – by passing this information to The user can then access a PDF iteration of their europass CV for job-seeking activities.


Once the user has provided this information and has developed their Europass CV, a range of additional options are then available to them. They may choose to

1. Improve their Europass CV: The initial steps involved in the profile setup process are designed to generate a “basic” CV for the user and therefore do not seek an abundance of information so as not to overwhelm the user. This option allows the user to add additional information to their CV – in a similarly straightforward, scaffolded process to the initial data-gathering – in order to further develop their Europass CV by providing information about their digital skills, communication skills, etc.

2. Access additional training: The user may access a range of additional short online training courses designed to provide the user with knowledge and skills related to job-seeking activities such as interviewing, developing a linkedin profile, further developing their CV, etc.

3. Access current opportunities: This section asks a small set of additional questions of the user relating to the type of job path which they may be interested in and – based on the information gathered in the initial setup process and in this section – provides a range of potentially relevant work opportunities based on the EURES “Find a job” section. This can be limited to the users’ home country or can be from across Europe


For more on the Assess Plus project, please see