The partners of the CollaborArt project consortium came together between February 12 and 14, 2022 in Istanbul, Turkey to discuss the project progress but above all to have a capacity building session for project experts and upcoming piloting of the project.
The Governmentship of Istanbul arranged the meeting facility so that some of the partners who could not join personally could at least participate virtually. Right after a warm welcome by the project coordinator Petra Patrimonia Corse all participants reviewed the ECVET training curriculum, learned how to use the learning platform and how to train target users set up courses and managing.
Innoquality Systems was able to present a pre-beta-version of the Digital Gamification App and collect important input through a pre-piloting exercise with all participants in the course of the meeting.
Finally the evaluation of the piloting phase was discussed in detail.
It was a very productive meeting and the basis for the steps to come.