CollaborArt Project Update

Final partner meeting in Corsica, 19-20th of January 2023

As northerners, we are used to the cold and rainy weather, particularly in winter. However, it was quite unexpected to visit the beautiful mediterranen island of Corsica and having to face cold weather, slushy streets and even snow :-). But of course we were not traveling solely for pleasure this time. The purpose of this trip was to meet the Consortium partners from the CollaborArt project for the final partner meeting.

This meeting, held in Bastia, on January 19 and 20, 2023, was hosted by the project coordinator Petra Patrimonia Corse and held in hybrid mode. While some partners could only exist online due to Covid and other inconveniences most of the consortium members were present in person.

First of all the “Guide for validation, certification and accreditation” was presented in its draft version and discussed thoroughly. This last intellectual output is a valuable document for all stakeholders, who are interested in using the products in the future. This being said, the consortium then went on with discussing and harvesting the results from the piloting and multiplier activities by the partners. It can already be concluded that CollaborArt succeeded in reaching its purpose. The feedback showed clearly that there was a significant upskilling effect by the actions undertaken.

Another essential part of the final meeting was to discuss the administrative topics as final reporting and so on, as well as further dissemination activities. The partners were highly committed to this project and its subject. Due to this there seems to be a sincere intention to reach more organizations with the outcomes beyond the project lifetime. Maybe one day there will be a follow-up project to expand its impact and reach.

Thanks once again to all the partners from Petra Patrimonia Corse (France), Iasis (Greece), Government of Istanbul (Turkey), Infodef (Spain), La Bien Pagá (Spain), Future in Perspective Learning (Ireland) for this outstanding cooperation. Thanks to the Erasmus+ program for funding another valuable project that is reaching its completion. We would be delighted to fill you more in detail personally, if you want to learn more about this project. Look up our project website or reach out to us personally any time.

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