As work continues as part of the Erasmus+ Mifamily project, some of the following are existing resources which have been identified in research conducted as part of O1 in the project (the Training Theoretical Framework and MiFamily Training Curriculum).
The below are some really interesting projects which exist at an EU level in looking at the potential for family learning.
Learning Families
The project targeted school children from educationally, socially or economically disadvantaged background, at risk of early school leaving because their parents are not able to support their education or provide encouragement and motivation. The project focused on tested family learning activities, in non-formal environments outside normal school times. Each project partner worked with young people and parents to design and deliver family learning in selected schools, and to create a Training and Resource pack applicable in all settings nationally and across Europe. Some of the developed outputs include a developed training curriculum (e.g.: and links to a lot of best practices –
Supporting Teachers And Immigrant Students At School
The project aims to design resources including a ”student (immigrant )integration programme”(O3) and a ”teacher guidebook/online tool”(O2) in the light of need/situation analysis (O1)and teacher training. It also mentions that ”Special language support with Mentoring” ,”Parent involvement” and are key fundamentals of this inclusive programme. As it has only recently begun, the project has not yet produced outputs, but the intended outputs (Need /Situation Analysis, Teachers’ Guidebook /Online Tool, Student (immigrants) Integration Programme) look potentially extremely useful.
Family Learning And Migrant Engagement
FLAME is based on the development of a set of tools and methodologies derived specifically from ‘Family Learning’ as an effective route to engaging migrant and ME groups to take their first steps in learning in their host country, engage with their wider communities and become active citizens. As it has only recently begun, the project has not yet produced outputs, but the intended outputs (Need /Situation Analysis, Teachers’ Guidebook /Online Tool, Student (immigrants) Integration Programme) look potentially extremely useful.