Follow App Project research and updates

The objective of the Follow App project is to set-up and test a graduate tracking method supported by digital tools designed to track employment and career progression of apprentices in DUAL VET programmes, addressed to VET teachers, counsellors, in-company trainers and learners, improving the responsiveness of VET to the changing demands in the labour market and strengthening the Quality Assurance in VET.

With work ongoing on the project, the consortium is working on the project training curriculum. But very much with an eye to the development of training content for WP3 – the e-learning platform, designed to support the training of trainers around career progression of apprentices in DUAL VET programmes.

In this context, INQS has been reading more and more into the area, which has made for fascinating and enjoyable work. In this context, it has become clear that the progression and interest in VET in the EU continues to grow exponentially, as indicated in the following article from May of this year.

Spanish PM announces €1.3 billion vocational training boost amid key election year

For more on the Follow App project, please see the Facebook page at App.project