Bridging the Digital Divide: Innoquality Systems Embarks on the “Mind the Gap” Project
Innoquality Systems is excited to announce the commencement of a pioneering new project titled “Mind the Gap” this February, 2022. This initiative aims to forge a bridge between digital migrants and digital natives, addressing the pressing need for digital inclusivity and competence in today’s fast-paced digital world.
The project is orchestrated by La Bien Paga, who will be leading a consortium of esteemed partners from Austria, Greece, Turkey, France, Spain, and Ireland. This consortium includes notable organizations such as KIST-Consult, ΑΚΕΘ – DCT, Governmentship of Istanbul, Les SCOP, Infodef – Instituto para el fomento del desarrollo y la formación, Beykoz Kaymakamlığı, and of course, Innoquality Systems. Together, they are dedicated to crafting a customized skills framework, creating engaging training content, and developing innovative tools specifically designed for adult trainers and digital migrants.
But who exactly are these “digital migrants”? They are individuals born in a time when digital technologies were not as pervasive as they are today. This historical gap has placed them at a disadvantage, making it challenging for them to adapt to the digital skill sets required in our ever-evolving digital era.
The “Mind the Gap” project is more than just a training initiative; it’s a movement towards bridging the digital divide. By empowering digital migrants with the necessary skills and knowledge, the project aims to ensure that everyone, regardless of their age or background, can thrive in the digital landscape.
Stay tuned for more updates as Innoquality Systems, along with its partners, pave the way for digital inclusivity and competence through the “Mind the Gap” project. This initiative is part of the Erasmus Plus program and is a testament to our commitment to digitalization, adult education, and the development of digital tools.
Join us on this exciting journey as we mind the gap and build bridges in the digital world!