The MiGreenDEAL project aspires to raise awareness of the climate crisis awareness among young migrants through transformative learning. The project will implement innovative practices and digital solutions in adult education in order to prepare migrants and adult educators, community leaders and mediators to become real agents of change in environmental sustainability and fight against climate change.
The project features a fantastic consortium, with partners from La Bien Paga (Spain), META4 (Austria), DISRUPTIA (Spain), and IASIS (Greece).
As work is ongoing on the project, INQS is heavily focused on research into the area of personal reflection and action planning.
Personal reflection is an essential element in the “”transfer”” from learning in the classroom to a more experiential based learning and for the integration and manifestation of what has been learned into everyday life. The “”transfer”” is essentially from the classroom to the real world.
As noted by Bourner (2003), “What distinguishes reflective thinking about an experience from unreflective thinking is the process of interrogating the experiencing with searching questions.””. The necessary requirements for effective personal reflection are myriad as outlined by Bauer & Dunn (2003), Fernsten & Fernsten (2005) and Schön (1987).
For more on the MiGreenDeal project, please see the Facebook page at