We are delighted to announce the beginning of the piloting of the Renouval project outputs. We have a number of ongoing pilot participants, but would gladly welcome participation from any any all members of the target audience to participate in this process!

- Participants access the gamification and assessment tools at https://en.tools.renouval-project.eu/ as well as via the project website at http://renouval-project.eu/
- Apply crafts training through the use of the gamification and assessment tools with crafts students and use these to deepen and/ or assess students’ understanding of the practice and real-life implementation of crafts using these online tools.
- These may be applied intergenerationally or not
- Participate in a focus group and/ or interview to provide feedback on the experience.

If you are interested in participating, please fill in the short form at https://forms.gle/PDi26hqPEQn635v99 (which takes no more than 1 minute!) here to express your interest! On completion of this survey, we will contact you with details regarding the piloting of the Renpoual Project.
For more information and resources, please check out http://renouval-project.eu/