Sustainable Apprentices Project Update

3nd partner meeting in Milano, February 2nd, 2023

It’s a perfect moment to meet half way down the project to discuss the development of the project and its outcomes. The all partner organizations from Italy, Portugal, Spain and Ireland came together in sunny Milano to talk about the Sustainable Apprentices Online Open Learning Materials Platform and the Methodological framework.

As internal quality assurance partner it was our task to present the results of the quality review of the first project period as well as on the project result 1.

After enjoying a delicious Italian lunch the obligatory management topics as well as dissemination issues were covered. The hosting organization Centro Servizi Formazione ran this hybrid meeting very well. The partners from Infodef, Mindshift, AIN, Government of Istanbul and Innoquality Systems enjoyed this productive get together and are looking forward to the next encounter in Istanbul which will take place early July.

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