As part of the TOURISTIC project, the partnership is currently developing training content for teachers, educators and volunteers working or supporting disabled people by helping them develop Digital Skills applied to the design of innovative commercial services and products in Online Accessible Tourism, creating new skills pathways and labour opportunities for disabled people in Europe, supporting ICT-based teaching and assessment practices and promoting the transparency, validation and recognition of skills and competences acquired through OER.

INQS, as part of this process, is responsible for developing the curriculum for Module 4: Commercial awareness & inclusive marketing communication. As part of this, INQS has been examining the use of resources to help utilise Tools for digital marketing and social media.
A good IMC plan is essential for your business as it is designed to support a number of key factors:
- Customer Awareness – to make customers aware of the service
- Brand loyalty – to encourage customers to use the service again and to recommend it to others
- Brand image – to create an image of the service for customers
- Market expansion – to expand your audience of customers
- Persuasion – to encourage customers to pick your service over another competitors
- Education – educating customers about how to make use of or access your service
When considering your marketing plans, you should consider the above 6 points and make sure that you are addressing each of these, depending on how established or new your business is (e.g. market expansion is perhaps not as important when you are just starting ). The below video will provide more information on these points.
IMC really boils down to the process of getting the right information about your service(s) or ideas to the right people at the right place, time, and price, using the right promotion techniques.

For more information and resources, please check out