SME Green Skills HUB Update

Team partner meeting in Valladolid, April 21, 2022

Once again, not everybody (BUT the majority of the partners!) was able to physically attend the SME Green Skills HUB partner meeting but thanks to the experience of the partners in hybrid meetings the consortium was able to come together once again to discuss further steps in order to promote the use of SDGs in SMEs.

The topic this time was a brief review of the adjustment of the Training Modules, the elaboration of the Vocational Open Online Courses (VOOC) to be developed by the partners as well as the Mobile Assessment App. It was Innoquality System’s task to present the structure of the latter and brief the partners on how to go about the development for this intellectual output.

Finally after agreeing on the workplan and the tasks to be performed by the partners, the meeting was closed with a note on quality assurance: We are well on track and are very much looking forward to piloting in autumn this year.

If you are interested in learning more about this project also visit the project website or contact us directly

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